Meredith and Brian | Music Festival Wedding | The Hitching Post Barn
A few days ago I was perusing IG, as one does, and I came upon a post from a former bride/current friend. The content isn’t really important, what matters is that it made my heart happy and got me to reminiscing about her wedding. Now, we are going WAY back here, 2014 to be exact, to one of my favorite weddings EVER. Mer is super creative and a DIY queen, so making her dream music festival themed wedding come true was absolutely doable. There were handmade teepees, giant bubbles, bonfires, beachballs and so much more. There was even a flaming hula hoop dancer. It was MAGICAL, but then Mer and Brian are both magical people, so no big surprise there.
I was so caught up in their happiness, that I rummaged through old hard drives until I found their photos, and then decided that their wedding is such a ray of absolute sunshine that the world needs to see it. Again.